羽毛球: badminton羽毛球拍:badmintonracket 打羽毛球:playbadminton翻译是伯明顿的意思。是因为最早的羽毛球比赛就在这个发源地举行的,而且到现在全英羽毛球公开赛都有100多年的历史了。大家都很重视,意义非凡,故用这个球馆的名字来代指羽毛球。
“羽毛球”的英语:“Badminton”。英 [?b?dm?nt?n] 美 [?b?d?m?nt?n] 例句:
1、I like playing basketball and badminton. 我喜欢打篮球和羽毛球。我和我的朋友参加体育运动如打网球,羽毛球和游泳。1、篮球的英语“basketball”英 [?bɑ:sk?tb?:l] 美 [?b?sk?tb?:l]例句:In the basketball game China beat the Japanese by a neck. 在那场篮球赛中中国队险胜日本队。
2、足球的英语“football”英[?f?tb?:l] 美[?f?t?b?l] 例句:I've arranged to go with him to tomorrow's football match. 我已经和他说好了明天一块去看足球赛
badminton英 ['b?dm?nt?n] 美 [?b?d?m?nt?n] n. 羽毛球;羽毛球运动 羽毛球; 羽坛; 羽毛球运动; 甜味葡萄酒汽水 复数:badmintons
1. Badminton can be played by two or four people. 羽毛球可由两人或四人来打。
2. \Is badminton anything like tennis?\o, as different as chalk from cheese.” “羽毛球有点像网球吗?”“不,根本不同。”
3. He played badminton for sport. 他打羽毛球是打着玩的。
4. Two badminton teams ended in a draw. 两支羽毛球队打成平局。
5. They default ed in the badminton tournament. 在羽毛球锦标赛中他们没出场。
1. 手球:handball /?h?ndb??l/ 英英释义:a game played in a walled court or against a single wall by two or four players who strike a rubber ball with their hands。
2. 篮球:basketball /?bɑ?sk?tb??l/ 英英释义:a game played on a court by two opposing teams of 5 players; points are scored by throwing the ball through an elevated horizontal hoop
3. 足球:football /?f?tb??l/ 或 soccer /?s?k?(r)/ 英英释义: any of various games played with a ball (round or oval) in which two teams try to kick or carry or propel the ball into each other's goal
4. 排球:volleyball /?v?lib??l/ 英英释义:a game in which two teams hit an inflated ball over a high net using their hands
5. 羽毛球:badminton /?b?dm?nt?n/ 英英释义:a game played on a court with light long-handled rackets used to volley a shuttlecock over a net
6. 网球: tennis /?ten?s/ 英英释义:a game played with rackets by two or four players who hit a ball back and forth over a net that divides the court
7. 高尔夫: golf /ɡ?lf/ 英英释义:a game played on a large open course with 9 or 18 holes; the object is use as few strokes as possible in playing all the holes
shuttlecock英 [???tlk?k] 美 [???tlkɑ:k]n.羽毛球; 毽子vt.往返递送; 将…抛来抛去vi.往返移动; 走来走去羽毛球;毽子;毽球;踢毽子复数: shuttlecocks 过去式: shuttlecocked 过去分词: shuttlecocked 现在分词: shuttlecocking 第三人称单数: shuttlecocks 双语例句1. She sent the shuttlecock flying over the net with a practised flick of the wrist.她熟练地轻抖手腕,把羽毛球击过了网.2. As a shop clerk, she would shuttlecock behind the counter all day.作为一个商店职员, 她整天在柜台后面走来走去.3. I found him kicking at the shuttlecock in the room.我发现他正在屋子里踢毡子.4. Playing with the shuttlecock is of one of the favorites of Dalianese.踢毽子是大连人最喜欢的运动之一.5. The kids are playing the interesting game of kicking shuttlecock.小朋友在玩有趣的踢毽子游戏.